Welcome to Olasty Blog

Olasty helps artists, designers, photographs, galleries, and POD stores grow their business by adding awesome features to their websites with minimal code.

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Self-Promotion as an Artist: A Comprehensive Guide

To truly succeed, artists must also learn the art of self-promotion. Explore what self-promotion is and it is done right.

Why Building an Audience As an Artist is a Must

Building an audience as an artist is essential for success. Dive in the impact this could have on your career in art.

How to digitize your art: A step by step guide

Discover how to get original paintings digitized with high quality and be able to sell and preserve your artwork.

How to Sell Prints Internationally with Print on Demand (POD)

Learn how to sell prints internationally in our comprehensive guide. Discover the benefits and drawbacks of POD for artists.

Why using a no-code tool to build art stores is the way to go

In this post I shed some light on the hinderance that makes using a no-code tool to build art stores a better option.

Launch Your Online Art Store: Why Now is the Best Time

Why now is the perfect time to launch your online art store, a guide to why artists should have an online store.

Why your POD store is doomed to fail

The reason why most POD stores are doomed to fail and how building an audience can make all the difference for your art business.

Selling Prints online with Print on Demand – The Complete Guide

Explore this unique formula to selling prints online with Print on Demand. Explore the options and follow the step-by-step guide.

How to sell art online

From social media to marketplaces, there are tens of platforms that can help you sell more artworks online, but surely there is a perfect recipe?

The ArtSpaces journey

Introducing the ArtSpaces widget, how it came about, the problem it solves, and how it can greatly improve your customers’ experience.